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Monday, June 30, 2008

Hotel Dusk: Room 215

Yay, another good mystery game.

Hotel Dusk: Room 215 is about an ex-cop named Kyle Hyde, trying to find his long lost partner, Brian Bradley.

Kyle winds up at Hotel Dusk because of a delivery job he is on, and soon finds many, many mysteries. There, Kyle meets an old friend, new friends, and new enemies. Is Bradley in the hotel? You'll have to find that out for yourself.

Hotel Dusk is a point and click mystery -you hold it on it's side, like a book- and talk to people, reveal their secrets, and the secrets of the Hotel.

You'd be hard-pressed to find this game now, but if you do, you have found an excellent game.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Professor Layton and the Curious Village Review

Professor Layton and The Curious Village
Genre: Puzzles
Rating: E
System: Nintendo DS
Developer: Level 5

Professor Layton is a unique type of game, where you travel about the town of St. Mystere, searching for puzzles, and solving 10 mysteries.


Professor Layton has great graphics. The graphics look like an old European town when you are exploring, and in the puzzles, they are very colorful. All of the graphics in the whole game look amazing, from start to finish. I don't think they could be any better. Plus, the backgrounds are very beautiful. If there were a few more character animations, it would be perfect.

The music for this game is very well composed and very catchy. As well as the graphics looking European styled, so do some of the songs. The songs are all orchestrated, ranging in a variety of instruments. The sound quality of this game is very good, too. Not just for the music, but for the voice acting too. I find myself humming Professor Layton's theme song a lot.


In this game, there are a total of 135 puzzles, ranging in difficulty of very easy to very hard. For every puzzle you beat, you get points called Picarats. The harder the puzzle is, the more Picarats you get for answering right. If you answer wrong, however, you lose picarats. After you beat the game, the number of picarats you have decides how many bonus features you unlock. You do not have to do all 135 puzzles to beat the game.

As I said, some puzzles are very hard. Luckily, you can unlock hints by using hint coins you find hiding in the town. The tips are usually very helpful.

Also, every week, Nintendo puts a new puzzle up for download via Wi-Fi. These also range in difficulty. Unfortunately, these puzzles are only available through Wi-Fi.


This game has an absolutely beautiful (if somewhat sad) story. The story is great, and there are also many plot twists that make it even better. The characters are also great. By the end of the story, they really grow on you. This game may have one of the best stories on the DS.


Cut-Scene Movies

Professor Layton features cartoon movies that tell the plot. The movies are all fully voiced, and look beautiful. Plus, they add in some of the games best songs, making it even better. There are about 20 cutscene movies, all fully voiced, and animated beautifully. It's impossible to not love the cutscene movies.


Final Score: 9.6!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

New Name, New Location, Yay.

Okay, so a new name and location have been decided. I changed the name from "The Ramblings of a Luigi Fan" To "An Octorok's Ramblings".

I also moved the location of the site, and hope to get more views.

E3 2008

So, E3 2008 is around the corner, I can't wait for all of the announcements. Here are my predictions:

*Animal Crossing Wii
*Maybe Apollo Justice 2?
*A New Mario Game
*A New Zelda Game
*A New Wii Channel
