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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ace Attorney

Wow, I really love the little-known games, I guess.

Well, I shouldn't say little known, but not as known as Mario, unfortunately.

Anyway, Ace Attorney games are basically defending clients from being innocently thrown in jail. To do that, you have to search crime scenes, defend them in court, and find contradictions.

Yes, it may sound it easy, but it can be hard, too. Some witnesses are very hard to break.

...Anyway, I'm getting off track. Ace Attorney games are awesome. Good characters, awesome storylines, and odd hair. Yep, odd hair.

Go get one today!!!!

Oh yeah, and when the murderers crack, it's funny.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ace Attoeney is a very nice game series. Gotta love the characters in it.

Great blog, by the way.

-Dark Echo, Nick, ArchangelofMalkuth (only on Photobucket), Decho, Darkecho, DarkEcho, moar names I use.