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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Nice job, Nintendo.

So, I decided to put a little faith in Nintendo's WiiWare decisions yesterday, and check the shop channel for Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People. Well, I wasted my time, seeing as Frat Party Ping-Pong came out. Seriously... what? I doubt it'll be out next week, either.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

WiiWare Weekly? Joy.

So, Nintendo has only been releasing one WiiWare a week. Now I have this to say.

Come on Nintendo! Release more than one a week! It is so annoying if you are waiting for a game to come out, like I am. So, last week, I bought 2000 Wii Points waiting for Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive people. But what happens? We get Pirates Freaking Dream Adventure. WHAT?! Come on! So many people are waiting for a specific game, so release them when you get them! Is only one regular Wii game released a week? NO. So release them as you get them! Now Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People has 5 episodes. So I have to go through your waiting process 5 times! Who knows how long it will take you to even release the first!?

That is all.

Friday, July 25, 2008

The 5 hardest levels in Super Mario Galaxy

So, I recently finished Super Mario Galaxy with all 242 stars, so here are the 5 hardest levels.

5. Underwater Cosmic Luigi Race
Location: Sea Slide Galaxy

I really dislike this level. You have to get the time of your remote shakes perfect to swim, and then ride a shell, throw it, and run to the finish.

4. Ghost Ship Daredevil Run
Location: Deep Dark Galaxy

This level really can get hard, and you need to concentrate on what you're doing. If you don't, you're going to get killed by a fireball.

3. Red-Hot Purple Coins
Location: Melty-Molten Galaxy

This level can get annoying at times, because you really need to stay balanced if you want to win. Since Luigi drifts, staying on the little platforms proves quite a challenge.

2. Bouldergeist's Daredevil Run
Location: Ghostly Galaxy

NO. I can't stand this level. It's so annoying. You either get hit by a flying rock, or hold onto the Boo for too long, and it's game over. And later you need to hold onto multiple Boos, making it harder.

1. Luigi's Purple Coins
Location: Toy Time Galaxy

Well, here's what I think is the hardest level in Galaxy. If you haven't gotten to it, beware. If you have beat it, good job. But it must of took a few tries.

You have to be very, very exact in this level if you hope to get 100 coins. Plus, you have to long-jump your way over the dark matter, air,flipping and dissepearing tiles. Not fun. And to make it worse, there's a time limit.

So, there you have it.

Luigi Coins, Volcano Coins, Bouldergeist Daredevil, Koopa Witch Daredevil, Sea Slide Galaxy Luigi

Monday, July 21, 2008

Next Week's Schedule

There probably won't be any posts for the next week, since I'm going to be busy. See ya soon!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Totaka's Song

So, in a few video games that a music engineer Kazumi Totaka worked on, you can find his song scattered all over the place. appropriately named Totaka's song.

But, I'll let this video I found do the talking for me.

Totaka's Song

just thought that was a cool little thing I'd share. If anyone finds anymore, send it to that guy!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Nintendo Conference Impressions

I was terribly upset with this year's E3. Animal Crossing was the only good thing, really. I was sure there would be more announcements. They only showed 3 DS games, one of which had already been announced, Pokemon Ranger 2.

Wii Music is okay, but the demonstration sucked. Wii Sports Lodge? Meh.

I was really hoping for a Mario or Zelda title, both of which are in the works but weren't showcased. I was surprised the Kid Icarus Wii wasn't shown. Also, I can't believe there wasn't a new channel. Are they running out of ideas?

The biggest shocker?: NO HARD DRIVE. Come on Nintendo! If you release all these games you are , PEOPLE WILL NEED A STORAGE SOLUTION. Man....

Oh... and Cammie scares me.

Rambling over.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Animal Crossing: City Folk overview

I wrote this overview for The Nintendo Pipeline, thought I'd post it here, because I did promise an overview once it was revealed.

There were some announcements today as E3, but few stood out as much as Animal Crossing: City Folk for the Wii, apparently coming sometime this year.

Animal Crossing: City Folk, as the name implies, adds a City to normal gamplay, where you can go to see The HRA Building, Gracie's fashion studio, among other things.

AC: CF brings back some of the classic holidays we missed in Wild World, such as Halloween, and brings back an updated version. Other holidays include Bunny Day, where you dig up eggs. And of course, New Years was also shown.

A new element of online play, Wii Speak, was introduced. Wii Speak is a speaker that goes on top of your sensor bar, rather than a headset, which lets everyone in the room talk into it.

On the subject of homes, there probably is a home for every playe, like there was in the origianl. My inference coming from the bedroom only has roomfor one bed. From what I've seen, the size/shape of the homes has stayed the same, and that probably means no backyards. Or, at least none in the house they showcased.

Sadly, there was no glimpse of Tom Nook's store in the showcase, but there was a brief glance into the Able Sister's, which sadly hasn't changed. Also, you can buy masks that look like your Mii.

You can look forward to Animal Crossing: City Folk sometime this year.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

E3 2008 - Soon!

So, E3 20008 starts Tuesday. I already made my predictions, but I'm sure there will be more. Like a new peripheral (Balance Board, Wii Wheel, Zapper) or something. A peripheral would be cool, if they could think of anymore. Plus, some new Wii channels would be nice, if they have anymore ideas. Right now, I'm even hoping for a few channel update, hopefully for the Mii Channel. WE NEED MORE OPTIONS. Even Gameboy being added to the VC would work.... actually, that'd be a pretty cool idea.

Maybe a Mario game, some Mario sports games, whatever. They know we really want Paper Mario 3. Some people, including myself, would like to see a Luigi's Mansion 2, or even a longer remake with Wii controls. Paper Mario DS would be pretty neat, too. Or if neither Paper Mario happens, maybe Paper Luigi? A whole new story would be nice, or even the Waffle Kingdom story would sort-of work. Also, Super Mario Sunshine with motion controls would work. There was a mini-game of it in Wario Ware Smooth Moves, and that worked out pretty well. Or a Super Mario Sunshine 2 (Like, not called Sunshine, but it would have FLUDD in it.) work be nice, also.

I'm also hoping for a Zelda title, whether it be DS or Wii, but Wii preferably.

Some news on Professor Layton 2 may be announced- we already know it's coming, but a release date would be nice.

It has been confirmed that Animal Crossing Wii will be announced, so 'll worry about that after it is.


Wow. Longest article I've ever written.

Rambling Over.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Jobs you can get from Games

If you play a certain type of game, you could probably get a job from it. (Yeah right) But, if you could, here would be some jobs you could get.


Well, kind of. If you played the original Super Mario Brothers, you may be able to get a job as a plumber. Oh, who am I kidding? All you did was squash things that came out of pipes.

Ace Attorney

So, if you have played a Phoenix Wright or Apollo Justice game, you may be able to get a job as a defense attorney. The game teaches you everything: How to cross-examine, examine crime scenes, use fingerprint powder, and most importantly, laugh at the cracking murderer.

Oh wait.... Ace Attorney is based on the Japanese legal system.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mario's Floating Head

So, maybe some of you have heard of another internet trend, Mario's floating Head, and some of you have not. Well now, all of you will have after reading this.

Mario's Floating Head appeared in Mario Teaches Typing 2, between levels. Mario would talk to you and try to be funny.

Here are some of my favorite parts.

Mario Destroys American Advertising

Mario Says a Funnie

Mario Moves On The Ground

Mario Displays Wario-ish Tendencies


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Another Animal Crossing Wii idea

Yay, another Animal Crossing Wii idea.

Museum Gift Shop

So, what if the museum had a gift shop? You would be able to buy things exclusive to the museum. Posters of dinosaurs, fish, and more! It wouldn't be just posters, though. Also shirts and some exclusive furniture!

Monday, July 7, 2008


I just beat one of the longest and best games I have ever played- Okami.

Ōkami is the story of the Sun god, Amaterasu, trying to restore peace all over Nippon (The previous name for Japan.), by defeating the darkness called Orichi, the 8-headed dragon.

The game looks beautiful. It is celled shaded, and looks absolutely gorgeous. It kind of reminds me of Zelda: The Wind Waker.

The game also plays very much like a Zelda game. You go into dungeons, solve puzzles, everything.

The game's music is also very stunning. Taking place in Japan, you'd expect the music to be Japanese themed. Well, it is. And that's a great thing.

So, if you like Zelda games, you should try this.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Weegee, the terrible Luigi sprite, has made it's mark on the internet. Weegee is from the oh-so terrible "video game" Mario is Missing. The Luigi sprite used in the game is very... odd. Just look at it...

It stares into your soul...

Now, there have to be hundreds of Weegee image edits on the internet, but a few stand above the rest. Here are my favorites.

Yes... Weegee IS infact running for president.

Damon Gant can stare into your soul, but Weegee does it better.

You gotta love Weegee.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

More Animal Crossing Wii Ideas

1. Hey! Look! Up there!

In Animal Crossing DS, you were able to see the sky. So, why not have a way to just turn the camera up to look at the sky?

2. Look! Up there! On the ceiling!

You can have lights on the floor in the first 2 Animal Crossing games. Yay. But now, what we need are lights that hang on the ceiling!

Will add more as I think of them.

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Top 5 Video Game Soundtracks of All Time

Happy 4th of July!!!

Today, I'm going to list my favorite top 5 video game soundtracks of all time. Hopefully I don't forget any. Music games DO NOT count.


5. Professor Layton and the Curious Village

Professor Layton has a great soundtrack. There are 19 songs in all, and only one or two of them are boring. The credits theme and Professor Layton's theme are absolutely brilliant.

4. Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations

All of the Phoenix Wright games music is good, but Trials and Tribulations really tops it all. The songs sound more realistic, plus there are some really catchy songs in it.

3. Paper Mario Series

The Paper Mario series has absolutely stunning music. There are songs for every mood, and every level, plus some extras. Though some songs can get tedious, most of them are amazing.

2. Super Smash Bros Brawl

For the most part, Super Smash Bros Brawl has an amazing soundtrack. My only problem is that only half of them are remixes. All of them should have been. It's a shame Delfino Island wasn't remixed....

1. Super Mario Galaxy

Ah, yes, couldn't you have guessed? Super Mario Galaxy, with it's amazing soundtrack. Around half of the songs are remixes, but excellent remixes at that. The songs made for Galaxy itself are even better. Plus, they're all orchestrated! You gotta love that.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Animal Crossing Wii Ideas

Yay, 10th post. So, here are some ideas for Animal Crossing Wii.

1. More in depth Neighbors.

It would be pretty cool if some of your neighbors were rich, and could upgrade their house. I'd also like to see neighbors shopping. Also, animals need to have different things to talk about, instead of all repeating the same things.

2. Mr. Resetti's House/Animal Island

In the Japanese versions of Animal Crossing, you could go to Mr. Resetti's house. but English? Nooooooo.

Also, Animal Island was a cool feature in the GCN version, so why not bring it back?

3. Visit Other Towns

In my Pokemon Ranch, people programmed into the game will come on random days to ask you if you want to come to their Ranch. So, why can't characters come to your town and invite you to their town?

More as I think of them.

Professor Layton 2

Professor Layton was a great game. And every great game deserves a sequel, am I right? Well, Professor Layton is getting a sequel. Professor Layton and Pandora's Box.

This game takes place in 2 towns, and a train. Obviously, it somehow revolves around Pandora's box. It have more puzzles than the original, plus bonus puzzles.

I can't wait for it to come out. ^^