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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Post Lack/No Posts

Sorry for the lack of posts this month. I've been really busy. And also, I'll be on vacation this week, so no new posts.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sam and Max: Season 1 Review

Sam and Max: Season 1
Rating: T
For: Cartoon Violence, Crude Humor, Mild Language, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco
Platform: PC, Coming to Wii.

Sam and Max save the world in this six part episodic game for the PC.

Story: Sam and Max, a pair of Freelance police discover a hypnotizing scheme and have to save the world in six hilarious, action filled episodes. You'll travel everywhere from the White House to the Moon, to Sam and Max's office in New York City. These games are some of the funniest (maybe even the funniest) games I've ever played. In every corner in the game, there's a huge element of hilarity in it. There are about 20 secrets in every episode, kind of like "Easter eggs", giving the game more replay value to go back through and try to find them. The story is very rich and there never is a dumb moment. It's very addictive too. I beat all 6 episodes in less then a week. You always have a clear idea of what you you have to do and what's going on in the story. The episodes are tightly wound together, but all have separate stories.

Music: The music is pretty much great. There are 40 (maybe 50) tracks in the game, so it's not hard to find some tracks that you like. Overall, the songs are very good sounding and catchy. The songs really have a feel to them about your surroundings. (For example, Sam and Max's office has a New York-ish/Detective like song.) Most of the music is instrumental, but some have words, which usually have a bit of comedy in them. The songs are very high quality, and very nice overall. The game is also completely voice acted.

Characters: There is a huge cast of characters with more introduced in each episode. The characters each have a very unique personality, and almost all of them are usually funny. From the paranoid shop owner Bosco to Sybil the therapist, everyone has a very developed personality. Once a person is introduced in an episode, they usually come back for other episodes. Since there really aren't any boring characters, this is a good thing. I really didn't dislike any character. As I said, their great personalities and sense of humor make them hard to hate.

Controls: The game is very simple to control. You click the mouse where you want Sam to move, and interact with objects by clicking on them. To use an item, you don't have to go into a special menu like in most games. Just click on the "box" onscreen, and your items come onto screen. So you don't have to pause the game, navigate through menus, and find it, which is really convenient. Using items is easy too. All you do is click onscreen where to use it, and yay, it works. Items are needed to progress through the games, so making them easy to use makes it better.

Overall: Sam and Max: Season 1 is a great game, and for $20, a bargain. You get many hours of game play, while meeting great characters, hearing great music, and laughing almost all the time. Controls are easy, and the episodes are all tied together by a great story.

Since the game is made up of episodes, I shall grade each one separately.

Episode 1: Culture Shock = 9.4
Episode 2: Situation Comedy = 9.2
Episode 3: The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball = 8.8
Episode 4: Abe Lincoln Must Die! = 9.7
Episode 5: Reality 2.0 = 9.3
Episode 6: The Bright Side of the Moon = 9.4


I really enjoyed the game. I can't pick out anything I didn't like about it.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sam and Max: Season 1

From producer TellTale games comes Sam and Max: Season 1. Now, there used to be a comic from Sam and Max's creator about the pair, called Sam and Max: Surfin' the Highway. And TellTale made an episodic video game series about it. (Telltale should sound familiar, I've been ranting about having to wait for their newest game, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People.) So far, there are 11 episodes, 6 of which are season 1. A season 3 is also in the works, and episodes are released about monthly.

Now, I only have the first 6 episodes so far, and I have beaten the first 5. I plan on starting the 6th, "The Bright Side of the Moon" today. Season one also includes "Abe Lincoln Must Die", the highest reviewed and my personal favorite episode of season one so far.

The games are point and click adventures, where you use items you find to progress through the game. They are also INSANELY funny. I actually found myself laughing out loud a lot during the games.

The games are currently only for PC, but shall be coming to Wii as a season (or WiiWare, I'm not sure.) But you should really check it out if you like funny games.

Actually, I shall go start episode 6 now.

Official Sam and Max Site
Another Official Site, mentioned in Episode 4's credits.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Top 3 Pokemon Ranch Toys

So, Pokemon Ranch, the WiiWare game, is somewhat fun. What makes it even more fun are the random toys you get everyday. Unfortunately, they disappear after the day is over. So, here are the 3 coolest toys in the game.

3. Balloons

The balloons lift any Pokemon in the air, despite having wings or not, and lets them fly around.

2. Snowman
The snowman freezes any Pokemon who touches it in a block of ice, giving them a surprised look on their face. Oh, and it works on your Miis too.

1. Poke Mic
The Poke Mic is definitely the coolest item in the game. It looks like a radio microphone, and when you pokemon comes up to it, their unique sound comes out of the Wii remote's speakers. Pretty nifty, if you ask me.